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Life is Zantastic!.





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Not sure about all of you, but this early new year is a little more wonky than expected.  We are moving into some deep territory forcing us to grow and expand.  After having to re-examine a few aspects of my own life, I came down with the flu.  I decided to use that time to watch some films on Gaiam TV, which I recommend to anyone reading this.  Surrounding ourselves with information that supports us is far greater than just zoning out which regular media can tend to do.  I am at a place where everythig can shift in a new direction, after years of managing… its time to get cracking on creating!  I was thinking about what brings me the most joy and what am I passionate about… helping people.  I learned how to generate almost all of my businesses from scratch with no resources to help me along the way.  I combed through possibilities until I finally landed a team of support and even then, I had to use my intuitive guidance to manuever through the good and the bad of business.  I’ve decided to use my knowledge to give back.  If I can help you, I’d love to.  I’m going to work towards doing this daily, as long as the questions come in.  This is going to be fun… and it opens us all up to even greater possibilities.  How will this work? Either comment below asking a question about business or marketing that you are stuck on. I would like to show how consciousness can play into all our choices to create greater possibility.  Or sign up to my list to the right, and reply to the email sent to you with a question. If you get picked, I will answer each day on this blog.  Kind of exciting! Many blessings. Zan

Oh yeah, how does it get any better than this?