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Life is Zantastic!.





Reverse your Thinking to discover the Magic .

Yesterday, I listened to Rev. Michael Beckwith on his morning sermon at and he said something that was such a profound reminder to us.  He said that every being, in the universe is celebrating life.  He referenced the trees and how when we walk in a forest the trees IMG_1614celebrate their BEING-ness when we walk by.  As you delve into that thought process, you know its true. Our pets are happy to be alive and happy to do whatever we want, just because.  Birds fly around and do loopdy loos because they can.  When did we forget that?  We are so fortunate to be in this body, experiences sunrises and sunsets, smiles and love.  We chose to incarnate to experience the celebration.  Every moment is a miracle.  We could learn a thing or two from nature.  And so I invite you to not to focus on the mundane portions of life that are sidetracking us, the bills, the chores, the emails, the media, the government, etc. blah blah… but the celebration. For it is within this celebration that the magic arrives.  Literally, as I write this blog post… .Its a BEAUTIFUL DAY by U2 is playing. See? Celebrating life!  Just do it. Take a moment to be in gratitude for every little thing around you.

Peace and Blessings,
