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Life is Zantastic!.





Part of the Problem is we are holding on too tight! .

The exciting opportunity about being alive and managing this reality is the rules are not as simply done as they are written.  For example, if we are frustrated and stressed out about paying our bills, we are in fear, we actually block the flow of energy.  We are such unimaginable but truly potent human BEINGS.  When we are in flow, having fun and being in allowance, there’s space for what you area wanting to float right on over to you.  This is my lesson for the day.  I am transparent in saying I am impatient with my own ‘slow’ progress, even though the average person I am doing just the right amount or more – for me, it is a fine line between allowing and doing. I have to practice it every day.

Today’s FAIRIE Card reminds me of that.  In Doreen Virtue’s deck of Faire Cards, it says:

When we think hard or struggle to resolve a crisis, things can actaully get worse! STOP thinking about the problem, since a focus on negativity can manifest even more negativity. Say aloud – I AM WILLING TO SURRENDER THIS SITUATION TO MY CREATOR RIGHT NOW! WHEN I LET GO, EVERYTHING TURNS OUT PERFECTLY. 

AND so it is. I let go. Try it. Then go for a walk, be in nature and release anything that doesn’t allow you to let go. Comments are welcome!