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Life is Zantastic!.





Are you a MANTRApreneur? .

What is a MANTRApreneur. I’m getting this question a lot lately, as I AM moving into a re-branding phase of Alexandra or as I now go by ZAN.

A MANTRApreneur is a term I like to use for business owners or leaders in business that are willing take their businesses to the NEXT LEVEL. And by Next Level, I don’t just mean one notch up. You see we are shifting paradigms and not in just a political-economic-social way, more like an evolution of conscious abilities.  The more awareness business owners have about what ELSE is possible, far beyond what they see on the books or in the day to day operations, the more success, abundance, progress and performance will come to their business with ease and grace.

No Joke.

I have done it and continue to use the tools I teach and every time, the universe continues to surprise me in the most amazing ways.
So I have created a little list of what I perceive a MANTRApreneur to BE:

1. A MANTRApreneur is a person who is passionate about creating into this reality an idea, product or business from their truth, personal experience or vision.

2. A MANTRApreneur is someone who is creating a socially responsible product, service or idea that serves all stakeholders, either in local community or on a global scale, not just the bottom line.

3. A MANTRApreneur is a perceptive individual who is willing to co-create with the universe towards that vision using uncommon and intuitive tools or processes to achieve the highest result as well as to trust the guidance they receive, make decisions from a space of knowing and not just from the logical mind which allows them to generate from an expanded space of being rather than a minuscule space of just doing.

A MANTRApreneur steps into the light of their true passion and knows at the core of their being that all things are possible when they are connected to their true vision. Which is my hope for you!
