commWorld Water Day – How can you make a difference? .
Today is International World Water Day, Mach 22, as a means to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. And while everyone knows water is an issue, what are we really doing about it?
Californians what are you doing about it? How are you saving water instead of spending it?
Do we even know? Well, if you don’t I’m going to share a message from Agnes Pilgrim Baker, a Great Grandmother from the Takelma Tribe. She is a voice of prayer and she brings a message to us all. Last summer I was in Ashland, at the Peace Village Festival. She sat down in her chair, and spoke to everyone in the audience as if we were her flock of children. She told us how each of our sales are coded with water, and without drinking lots of water are brain doesn’t know how to function properly. She spoke about her travels and how she has seen that water is disappearing and her opinion is that mother earth is unhappy with us because we are not Grateful. We don’t Thank the water. She began to give us instructions and said to do this for at least two weeks. At the end of two weeks, you will feel better about your water. She spoke highly of Dr. Emoto and said most of the disasters are because we are not thanking the water. When we wash our hands, when we bath, everyplace we use water. Thank you, bless you, we can’t live without you. She can’t understand why people don’t do it because this is what Dr. Emoto has proven, that when you talk to the water with kindness and compassion it changes the way it looks. The water knows what it is supposed to do. The way to our future is by being in connection and gratitude for water. WHY? How can this help? Because there are many springs, that haven’t yet been discovered that are waiting to share their majestic structures with us… but would you give magic to a bunch of ungrateful consumers? My dad always said, actions speak louder than words. And in this case, our planetary ACTIONS are what we need. If we don’t, then we will only be creating our own destruction. Grandma Aggie says, “It is time to take action now if we want to help. We need not for one moment, limit ourselves about what we can do. We must give support and encouragement to each other and to whomever we meet on our path. Love people unconditionally and add their voices and prayers to ours. People need to be encouraged to use their voice. The Creator will hear our cries and turn the dark side around and speak to the terrorists. Together we can make a difference.”
Best part? Its Free, its conscious and it will open your world to more magic and blessings. So please, on this WORLD Water day… THANK your water. THANK your coffee. THANK your tea, shoot, even THANK your beer! Thank your streams, and lakes and rivers… It sure can’t hurt.
If you want to know more, Visit Christine Kennedy’s Website Light of the Lilly, and use any of her 5 ways to bless water.
Blessing of Water: I want to give you the five ways to bless water that we would offer at this time—because these things change. For right now the way water is, right now the way the frequencies are, these are the five ways to bless water we would recommend:
- The First Blessing for Water (Thy Will Be Done)
- The Second Blessing for Water (With Mother)
- The Third Blessing for Water (Holy Spirit)
- The Fourth Blessing for Water (Speaking to the Container)
- The Fifth Blessing for Water (The Open Bowl Container)
This data is directly from her website, www.lightofthelily.com – please visit for the most amazing information for your soul.
Peace and Blessings,