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Quantum Crystals for Cell Rejuvenation.

Beauty from the Inside Out

Chiamaka Beauty Crystals ~ Cellular Rejuvenation

I’m just going to be straight with you, and if you know me or have ever met me you know that’s just the truth.  If you don’t know my story, I started a conscious bottled water company called AQUAMANTRA Water in 2006 based on Quantum Physics, so we can safely say I know a thing or two about the frequency of elements, water and how they can affect our body. I am in constant contact with the highest forms of healing water in the United States, a magnet to them really because of my background.  This month, I am passing the baton of AQUAMANTRA to a new owner and have been dabbling in a few revenue opportunities to support my bliss for life, however, I am an AQUARIUS (the OG Water Bearer) I know water, how it works and how it is a conduit to send information to your body. Did you know that water carries 400,000 levels of information and delivers it to your system?  That’s why we labeled AQUAMANTRA waters with I AM LOVED and I AM GRATEFUL we wanted people to put THAT information in their bodies, kind of like a sweet starter pack.

Last Thanksgiving (2015), I had the pleasure of meeting Jos Daniel at a private party with some of my very connected and conscious friends. Jos was bringing us some “special water” and while I was curious, I was also on guard. Who is this “water guy” and I thought to myself I will be the judge of his water. He gave us all a 16.9oz. bottle of water, unlabeled and described to us that he had alchemized this water with the frequency of matter hydrogen.

Jos described to us that he has the ability to digitally imprint the frequencies into this water.  To explain that basically, you can not change matter but you can redirect the frequency of matter onto another form of matter.  Better said you can’t make Gold into Silver, but you can make the matter of Silver act like Gold. Just like you can make water, act like anything you imprint on it.  I decided to taste the water with serious intent to be real with him if I didn’t “feel” or experience anything. But the contrary happened, I felt a shooting boost of energy out of the top of head (crown chakra) and then I felt deliciously high energetically speaking  which is the best kind of high 🙂 I was delighted and intrigued.  Jos began to tell me the benefits of his water and he said that after 30 days, I would see a difference in all aspects of my life.  I wasn’t as concerned with the other aspects, except the candida clearing as that is an issue I had been experiencing.

I proceeded to drink this water everyday, like it was my own special elixir.  I gave samples to friends, who in passing weren’t as in tuned to the water and didn’t really feel the experience of it, because they only had one bottle. I was determined to see if Jos really was on to something.  As far as eternal youth goes, I believe that the more new experiences you have, the younger you become. I don’t use fancy creams or expensive formulas, I prefer to age gracefully and own my story with my body.  But let’s be real, there have been a few areas in particular that bothered me. Jos told me he had a series of ladies that drank his water and they told him their lower chins went away in just a month.  He told me people were losing weight, and as we age its pretty safe to say we can all use a little of that.  My biggest problem areas is my eyes. In the morning, as of the last couple of years I wake up with what society calls bags under my eyes, minor swelling. Eventually it goes away but every morning, there I am.  Until just around 30 days of drinking this water consistently, I had no bags when I woke up. It was like a magic mirror! I looked close and thought, no way… but yes way! I kept drinking the water loving this youth around my eyes, and then I ran out of water. 🙁  I called Jos for more but he was away on business and I just couldn’t procure the water. I was sad, frustrated and wanted more… but as a business person thought to myself this is just not feasible. I can’t just ship $170 worth of water for about $30 every month, but this water was truly amazing… I might just have to.

zan_kavanahI went about my life and kept busy and recently reunited with my genius new friend.  I finally got a hold of him and asked him about getting more water and the next words out of his mouth were magic to my ears! He said the water was just too much of an issue, shipping, glass bottles breaking in transport, all of which I know a lot about. I was in the WATER BUSINESS!  Jos told me that he was applying his same alchemical imprint into crystals that people could then put in their water!  Brilliant, let people get water where they do and use it as a conduit for this magical potency. 
This is super new, and kind of on the down-low until the company really gets launched. They are in a pre-launch position, but … I am joining forces to support this mission because it is everything I believe in and know to be true.  Look at this picture of me. Do I look like I am 45 years old? This was taken about 18 days into drinking the water.

So what do these crystals do for you and your body needs? 

~ Reduces the appearance of fine line and wrinkles ( and bags under the eyes!) 

~ Lift, firm and tighten the skin

~ Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

~ Support a good night sleep

~ Creates a healthy, natural glow to your skin

~ Thicker hair and eyelashes

These results are from my own experience and was not promoted by the company directly.

People have reported their grey hair is not growing in, hair loss is turning into hair growth, stronger nails, healthier growing hair, wrinkles smoothing out, bags under the eyes disappearing (mine) and overall more well-being.

The base of the crystal is a blend of Rooibos Tea, Baobab and Silica.  Then the frequencies or characteristics of matter are transferred to these crystal which you ingest every day… only once a day. More than that might be too much frequency for you to handle.  There are more chemicals in a cup of coffee, then will ever be in this organic, non-gmo powder.

I am a bit more empathic than the average person, so my findings might be heightened but I will document the actual physical results.  I was also told that these crystals cancel out and make your body EMF free.  What does that mean? Your cell phone won’t deconstruct your body with radiation when you are drinking water with these crystals. In my blog, I will definitely show you guys what I am talking about.

The only downfall I see is, that you do have to drink this everyday. That being said, it’s a small price to pay considering you are going to be shaping your body from the inside out. One container is $70 Retail (35 Grams)which lasts about 35 days, which you can purchase through me. If you want to get on an autoship program you can, and there can be financial incentive to do so, but just contact me if you are interested in participating.

Lastly, I have been asked to market products before. I know a lot of people and I am true to my word. This is not a product I am marketing for another reason than it is potent, healthy and it works. Imagine the power we can generate once all our cells in our bodies are aligned.  I’m not asking to be 25 again, but I sure wouldn’t mind looking it 🙂 I will say that after a week, 7 days of trying the product I lost 5lbs. I didn’t change anything and whooop it came off.  I had issues with weight staying on even when i was eating super healthy, and in the last week it just came off.  Over the weekend, I pushed it a little bit, eating and drinking beyond my comfort zone thinking for sure the 5lbs would come back…. and it didn’t! I’m not as hungry, I feel amazing and the bags under my eyes, yep, going away, not in 30 days but 7!  Jos is remarkable and I feel super blessed to be part of marketing this integrative supplement.

Jos and this team know the possibilities.  We are not here to sell, but to invite you to participate in your own Inside Out Beauty with ease and grace! If you don’t see a difference in 30 days, just send the container back and you will get your money back!  

TO PURCHASE PRODUCT Visit my Personal Page at 

If you want to be a Distributor, just make your first purchase here and we will get you in the system. Your next orders will be at the wholesale price. And then you can buy your friends the BEST presents ever instead of stuff they don’t need, you can support them in bringing out their best inner self. Just contact Zan if you have any questions and I’m happy to share all kinds of data with you.

What else is possible people? The time of Rejuvenation is here!
Peace and Blessings, Zan

Here’s a few more things people have reported from drinking water with the crystals in them.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Below are some before and After’s for you with my eyes and my eyelashes that grew so long!